Partner 8: Ghent University


Ghent University  is one of the most important academic institutions for higher education and scientific research in Belgium.
UGent is part of the network of European Universities and is active in numerous EC funded projects in scientific research and academic education.
UGent in this project refers to the research team of Prof. E. Meers from the Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry and Applied Ecochemistry (ECOCHEM). Ecochem has a very distinct focus on International collaboration, with European networking as one of the pillars of its success.
The laboratory coordinates the new Erasmus Mundus education action: “International Master of Science in Environmental Technology and Engineering (Imete)”, which is specifically relevant for enhanced international dissemination of project results (e.g. elaborate internship programmes associated with this program).
This program occurs in collaboration with the Institute of Chemical Technology (Prague, Czech Republic) and UNESCO-IHE institute (the Netherlands). In addition, Ecochem is one of the international partners in the new Interreg program ARBOR: “Accelerating Renewable Energies through valorisation of Biogenic Organic Raw Material”, with partners from the Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, Luxemburg, United Kingdom, France and Germany. This EU project also enjoys specific relevance for the added success of the current proposal.
In close cooperation with the LP Uni Ghent will contribute to the feasibility (chemistry and combustion) and sustainability aspects of the project.
Additional to the scientific part Uni Ghent will also prepare the investment part in the Flanders region which is related to the full-scale add-on IFBB plant to an existing bio-gas plant, preferably the one of partner 9 (inagro)

Contact person Prof. Erik Meers